Automobile Owners
The One Source Automobile Owners file consists of highly-responsive automobile owners that are motivated to receive offers from marketers looking to build relationships. This file is perfect for offers such as extended warranties, new manufacturer model offers, credit cards, insurance, after-market accessories etc.
75,555,139 | Total Universe / Universe Rate | $100.00/M |
Vehicle make and model | + $15.00/M | |
Vehicle Year | + $10.00/M | |
VIN | + $25.00/M |
Just about everyone has a vehicle of some sort. One Source Direct Marketing can help you reach and connect with individuals who are owners of almost all makes and models. Whether you provide auto insurance, financial offers, debt consolidation opportunities, or many other consumer offerings, our Automobile Owners masterfile contains highly-responsive data that is perfect for multi-channel marketers looking to connect with U.S. auto owners.
Gender/Sex | $5.00/M |
Age | $5.00/M |
Geo | $5.00/M |
Household Income | $10.00/M |
Marital Status | $10.00/M |
Presence of Children | $10.00/M |
Childrens Age | $10.00/M |
Ethnicity | $10.00/M |
Dwelling Size/Type | $10.00/M |
Lifestyle | $10.00/M |
Phone Number (where avl) | $25.00/M |
Unit of Sale
High | $200.00 |
Average | $50.00 |
Low | $25.00 |
Male | 50% |
Female | 50% |
Exchange is not allowed
Please inquire
Charges | $500.00/F |
Key Coding
Please inquire
Media Type
Internet/On-Line, Self-Reported, Opt-in e-mail, Lifestyle questionnaire, Direct response, Compiled lists
Data Card Maintenance
Update Frequency | Monthly |
Average Income
Value | $65,000.00 |
Minimum Order
Minimum Quantity | |
Minimum Price | $0.00 |
Net Name Arrangements
Net Name is allowed | |
Floor | 0% |
Minimum Quantity | 0 |
Run Charges |
Delivery – Email | $25.00/F |
A/B Split Fee | $250.00/F |
RUSH FEE | $150.00/F |
Special Instructions
Minimum: Email deployment – $1000.00 Postal: $500
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(954) 444-5563