Conquest HP Automotive

Reach consumers who have self-reported their interest in obtaining a new or pre-owned automobile. Selects available include: in-market timing, make and model of interest, gender, age, income, marital status, presence of children and much more.


28,781,222 Total Universe / Universe Rate $75.00/M
Vehicle type + $10.00/M
0-1 Month Hotline + $20.00/M
0-2 Month Hotline + $15.00/M
0-3 Month Hotline + $10.00/M
Make + $10.00/M
Model + $10.00/M


The automotive consumer has a multitude of choices. Auto consumers are researching everything about their prospective automobile from type of fuel consumption, safety features, styles, amenities, to the sound system and type of wheels included. The best news for you is that with over 200 million licensed drivers in the U.S., the market for new and pre-owned automobiles is strong. Now, more than ever these savvy consumers are searching for the perfect vehicle and interacting online.

High powered conquest data is the ammunition that propels your campaigns. Our unique partnerships allow for extensive selection opportunities powered by our superior service and expertise. Let One Source’s Conquest Automotive HP provide you with the right data for your next automotive campaign.


Gender/Sex $5.00/M
Age $5.00/M
Geo $5.00/M
Household Income $10.00/M
Marital Status $10.00/M
Presence of Children $10.00/M
Childrens Age $10.00/M
Ethnicity $10.00/M
Dwelling Size/Type $10.00/M
Lifestyle $10.00/M
Modeled Credit Score $25.00/M


Male 50%
Female 50%


Exchange is not allowed


Please inquire


Charges $500.00/F

Key Coding

Please inquire

Media Type



Opt-in e-mail, Direct response, Lifestyle questionnaire, Self-Reported, Internet/On-Line



Data Card Maintenance

Update Frequency Monthly

Average Income

Value not available

Minimum Order

Minimum Quantity  
Minimum Price $0.00

Net Name Arrangements

Net Name is allowed  
Floor 0%
Minimum Quantity 0
Run Charges  


Delivery – Email $25.00/F
A/B Split Fee $250.00/F

Special Instructions

Minimum: Email deployment – $1000.00 Postal: $500

Our multi-channel solutions are aimed to deliver outstanding results to grow your business.
Call or email us to learn more about our digital marketing agency and full selection of marketing tools.

(954) 444-5563